Spottitt MF Free Demo Help
If you cannot find what you need in the information below, or you have questions about how Spottitt uses climate and other satellite-derived geospatial data to help infrastructure owners highlight assets at risk, please do contact us.
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The aim of this information is to help guide new users around this free demo of the Spottitt MF delivery layer. Spottitt MF allows customers of Spottitt’s satellite-derived infrastructure monitoring services to map the monitoring results to their assets, turning Spottitt’s analytics into a wide variety of metrics which can be pulled into a clients existing GIS, asset management, work order and other business decision and management tools.
In honour of COP27, and to help highlight the challenges faced by power network operators all over the world due to climate change, this free demo of Spottitt MF has been pre-populated with power transmission asset data from Egypt, Alaska and the United Kingdom, and data for selected climate condition monitoring parameters going back to 2012. In this demo users can dynamically filter on the following climate parameters:
- Number of hours that an asset experiences temperatures > 30°C
- Number of hours that an asset experiences temperatures < 0°C
- Number of hours that an asset experiences temperatures < -10°C
- Number of hours that an asset experiences high winds > 15 m/s
- Number of days that an asset experiences rainfall > 15 mm
Spottitt’s Climate Conditions Monitoring service offers data on a very wide variety of key parameters including lightning strikes, humidity, wind direction and more, for full details please see our service overview page.

- If you accidentally log yourself out just re-access the demo by clicking on the access link you received. You will need to provide your email address again to unlock access.
- Clicking on Demo Help will open this page in a new tab.
- Clicking on Contact Us will take you to our standard Contact form and the Spottitt team would be happy to receive your feedback, questions and enquiries.
Spottitt MF Tabs

Use the Spottitt MF tabs on the left to navigate around the different elements of the tool. You can move freely between tabs without losing inputs you have made.
Skip to information on the Assets tab
Skip to information on the Incidents tab
Spottitt MF Assets Tab

The assets tab is where you can upload (not available in free demo), view and filter the line, point and land assets that Spottitt is monitoring. In this demo, assets can be filtered by their unique name, voltage or geographical location.
- To ensure that the overview is updated, every time you change the filter criteria click on Apply. Click Reset to clear all filters and start again.
- At the top of the page you will see a dynamic overview of the assets selected.
- Selecting Map view will take you to the Map tab and add to the map a visual overview of the assets you have selected via the filter criteria you have set. If you set no filter criteria you will see all assets.

If you set the filter criteria to all 275V transmission lines in the UK and click Map view, you will see this asset overview.

If you set the filter criteria to all transmission lines in the UK and click Map view, you will see this asset overview.
It is handy to get a base asset layer of the particular assets of interest to you onto the map before you start filtering on incidents.
Spottitt MF Incidents Tab

The incidents tab is key, here is where you define what an ‘incident’ is and the system dynamically calculates which assets have experienced such an incident and how frequently. In this demo an ‘incident’ is defined by filters on:
- Number of hours that an asset experiences temperatures > 30°C
- Number of hours that an asset experiences temperatures < 0°C
- Number of hours that an asset experiences temperatures < -10°C
- Number of hours that an asset experiences high winds > 15 m/s
- Number of days that an asset experiences rainfall > 15 mm
In the demo, you may also filter on asset name, voltage, geography and the calendar years of most interest to you.
Spottitt’s Climate Conditions Monitoring service offers data on a very wide variety of climate parameters including lightning strikes, humidity, wind direction and more, for full details please see our service overview page. An incident can also be encroachments, changes, detected leakages, excessive land motion and more. See here for details of the range of asset monitoring services offered by Spottitt.
Every time you change the filter criteria click on Apply. Click Reset to clear all filters and start again.
- At the top of the page you will see a dynamic overview of the assets impacted by the ‘incident’ criteria you have defined.
- Selecting Map view will take you to the Map tab and add to the map a visual overview of the assets impacted by the ‘incident’ criteria you have selected via the filters you have set.
Carrying on with the example above of all transmission lines in the UK. Let’s look at the assets that have always experienced less than 250 days per year with rainfall > 15mm and less than 300 days per year with rainfall > 15mm across all data in the system. 10 years’ worth of climate data from 2012 to 2021 inclusive.

Set the filter criteria to all transmission lines in the UK that have always experienced less than 250 days per year with rainfall > 15mm, and click Map view. You will see the assets impacted highlighted in red (14% of the whole network) and how that relates to the entire UK transmission network shown in black.

Set the filter criteria to all transmission lines in the UK that have always experienced less than 300 days per year with rainfall > 15mm, and click Map view. You will see the assets impacted highlighted in red (41% of the whole network) and how that relates to the entire UK transmission network shown in black.
Of course, you can select any combination of available parameters and Spottitt MF will show you which assets meet all defined criteria.
Spottitt MF Map Tab

The Map tab is where you can view assets, assets impacted by incidents and analysis data.

You can choose to view your data with either a google, open street map or no basemap underneath

You can zoom in and out using the plus and minus buttons, your mouse or double clicking on the location you want to zoom in to.
You can drag and drop the Assets, different analyses and Assets at risk layers to display them in a different order.
Spottitt MF Analysis Tab

The analysis tab gives users an overview of the monitoring services and analytics Spottitt has provided to date. In this demo, Spottitt has provided 30 Climate conditions monitoring data (10 years’ worth of data for 3 different countries).
The analysis tab is where you can upload (not available in free demo), view and filter the services and analytics Spottitt has provided to date. In this demo analyses can be filtered by their unique name, service type, geographical location or analysis date.
- To ensure that the overview is updated, every time you change the filter criteria click on Apply. Click Reset to clear all filters and start again.
- At the top of the page you will see a dynamic overview of the analyses completed, when, and what area they cover depending on the filter criteria you have defined.
- Selecting Show on map view will take you to the Map tab and add to the map a visual overview of the analysis you have selected.
Find the Climate conditions monitoring analysis name Alaska 2012 and select show on map.

The map shows the geographical extent of the Climate conditions monitoring data that Spottitt has provided.
Note that Climate conditions monitoring is multi variable time series data, and in this free demo the map displays only the geographical extent. Outside of this free demo the actual analysis results for Climate conditions monitoring as well as encroachments, changes, detected leakages, excessive land motion and more can be viewed. See here for details of the range of asset monitoring services offered by Spottitt.